SOLVED – PostgreSQL Flexible Server PrivateDnsZoneHasWrongZoneSuffix

Problem – I’m trying to deploy a DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers with private DNS in a vnet.Following the guide here on Azure Portal, everything works as expected. Now I’m trying to replicate this using a bicep file, and when deploying from the azure cli, I get this error {‘status’: ‘Failed’,‘error’: {‘code’: ‘PrivateDnsZoneHasWrongZoneSuffix’,‘message’: ‘The Private DNS Zone name provided is not…

SOLVED – Can I manage all Azure ad tenants under the same directory?

One Azure directory can contain multiple Azure AD tenants. This is like a federation implementation in Azure? Can I manage all Azure ad tenants under the same directory? How is a company conglomerate? You May Also Like: SOLVED – How To Get All Data From Last 5 Minutes in SQL SOLUTION You can have multiple tenants…

SOLVED – Disabling Azure AD Group writeback doesn’t delete groups on prem

Even after disabling group writeback from Azure AD in the connect app, you still have 396 Azure AD groups on prem AD. What to do in such a situation? Disabling Azure AD Group writeback without activating the group writeback that was the previous admins does not help the above-mentioned problem. If you disable the write…