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SOLVED – How linq order by a Hyphen

A list contains a structure like that: ColumnA 0+ABC0-ABC0001000200030004 then sort the list using order by like list. OrdeBy(o=>o.ColumnA).ToList(), the below is the result: 0+ABC00010002000300040-ABC So the question is why “0+ABC” at the top of the list but “0-ABC” is put to the end. it looks like linq sort “+” and “–” using different methods. […] Continue reading →

SOLVED – What should we do to have “add-computer” in PowerShell 7?

The add-computer cmdlet is unavailable in PowerShell 7. Fortunately, there is a workaround to having “add-computer” (or equivalent) in PowerShell 7. Read more to find out What should we do to have “add-computer” in PowerShell 7? To solve this issue, you can try running the following command: Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -UseWindowsPowerShell Once done, you can try […] Continue reading →